The Mystery of Edwin Droodis a hilarious, interactive whodunit mystery musical that allows the audience to enter the action and become the ultimate detectives. The show is based on Charles Dickens’ unfinished novel of the same name. In the small...
The Mystery of Edwin Drood is a hilarious, interactive whodunit mystery musical that allows the audience to enter the action and become the ultimate detectives. The show is based on Charles Dickens’ unfinished novel of the same name. In the small town of Cloisterham, England, the young and charming Edwin Drood has been mysteriously murdered. But by whom? His leering romantic rival, John Jasper? The infamous purveyor of opium and vice, Princess Puffer? The mysterious Landless twins, newly arrived from Ceylon? Or someone else even more dastardly and villainous? Dickens passed away before he was able to reveal the culprit. Rupert Holmes’ award-winning musical (winner of five 1986 Tony Awards, including Best Musical, Book and Score) solves this predicament by asking the audience to choose which character is the killer by putting it to a vote. Staged as a show-within-a-show by the Music Hall Royale, a Victorian London theatre troupe full of just as many colourful characters as the roles they play, this charming and inventive musical is sure to intrigue and entertain any musical or mystery lover
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